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A webring for the Recurse Center community

What is a webring?

A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, usually focused around a specific topic or community.
Webrings appear as a widget on the bottom of a website, with buttons linking to the next and previous websites in the ring.
The popularity of webrings peaked in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but have made a modern resurgence.

Why use a webring?

Search engines algorithms have always been opaque, but it's becoming harder to discover relevant websites using search engines.
The web is one of the most important inventions in our lives, but commercial entities are not aligned with making it worthwhile to us.
Webrings represent a fun, soothing way to share and find meaningful websites that will never be subject to enshittification.

How do I use this webring?

This webring is for alumni of the
Recurse Center, which hosts retreats for kind and curious programmers.
If you are alumni or in are currently batch, you can submit your website after clicking "Login" at the bottom of the page.
It is required to include the generated links to Recurser sites on the page you submit, but you may style them any way you want.
Surf the ring for styling examples and be safe on the internet!

Website directory

Login Made with no CSS Report broken links